
We offer a Full Guaranteed Rent Management service where we will rent from you the property and you will receive a commonly agreed rent paid on the same day every month.


Instead of paying a fixed monthly rate, we will give you a Guaranteed share of the income generated by your property.

We solve property problems.

We help property owners to resolve any problems big or small. We are offering our best advice because we care about you and want to help you.

Whether you want to rent, sell, or do any different real estate transaction we can help.

Our knowledge, experience and competence have taught us that there is no one solution to all problems but there might be more solutions to the same problem. You can choose the one that works best for you.

We are here to help.

We believe in WIN-WIN business relationships this is why we treat everyone the same as we want to be treated, fairly and respectfully. We are honest and ask for honesty in return. Only this way we can work with you and for you.

Who we are?

We are your eyes and ears, your consultant and aid. We offer our best advice for free and work with you to get you the best returns on your property you can get.

How we do it?


  • There are 6 ways we can assist with your property:

    1. Guaranteed Rent. We take control of your property and give you a guaranteed rent (in line with Market rate) every month. We will then take control and manage your property, renting it out to third parties. Our fees are paid by them. We guarantee payment and maintenance of every house you give us to manage and will give it back in the same or better condition. 
    2. Guaranteed Partnership. We offer a managed service. We help you find great short/long-term tenants, depending on the type of property and location and increase the revenue up to 100% organising the whole renting process. After deducting the expenses, we split the profit 50% / 50%. You don’t need to do anything but checking the revenue, expenses and receiving the profit. 
    3. Value Add Service. If you have a house in a bad condition which you want to sell, we can help you by undertaking the refurbishment. When the works are completed, the house is sold, and we split the profit 50% / 50%. 
    4. Tenant Buyer. You want to sell but can’t get the price you want, and you don’t mind renting meanwhile. We can help you by finding a tenant which will agree to buy your house. We can ensure that the rent is paid, maintenance is taken care of and at the time when the house is sold the profit is split between you and us 50% / 50%. 
    5. Property Release. Do you need to sell but have an unusual issue such as negative equity, probate, or other issue when the bank has taken control of the property. We can offer two potential solutions. One will be an amount of money in exchange for the house. Another is a possibility to get all the money which the house is valued. Talk to us to explain how we do it. 
    6. Growth Property Sale. We can help you get more for your property if we can delay the sale completion. There might be different reasons for a late completion but most of the time is house improvement and planning approval. 

    Sometimes we might need to improve the house conditions which we can advise on and facilitate. We work with you to help you achieve the target price and we will provide a solution no matter the situation.

What Our Customer Say About Us

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